YouTube Me

I feel like I’m rather behind on this one, but after viewing so many clips of people making crap versions of well known songs (plus a small minority of genius ones) I thought I’d upload something to see where I might belong on that spectrum. First up is a cover of Teardrop, the Massive Attack song which was covered a few years ago by Newton Faulkner using a particular percussive way of playing acoustic guitar and I’ve taken a combination of the two versions.

Also, I posted an instrumental track to Soundcloud today – a fairly cinematic/orchestral sounding track you could imagine being used in a cheesy film ending perhaps. Oh well…

Ending 163 (instrumental) by danhoyes

New tracks!

So I finally got round to getting myself a Soundcloud account (which is beautifully simple to use – very happy that I never have to use myspace again)!

Now as many have found out to their peril – nothing good ever comes from playing around with Absynth. But in this case Absynth is a clever little instrument plugin capable of producing some very cool sounds. Recording this short instrumental (which I’m calling ‘Frozen Lake’ for now) was a good chance to try this out, but I do have to admit that it’s turned out sounding a little like the intro track the The Social Network… not in a way that might end up in a legal battle… more of an ‘I wanna win an Oscar for playing just 5 notes on the piano’ kinda way…

And finally this next track ‘Increments’ is something I wrote and recorded around Christmas time, but has been lying around dormant for a while. It was also the first track to be recorded at the new studio at Music Room I guess. Thanks to Ed Priestnall for laying down some drums.

Beginner Guitar Classes Starting January

Having received some requests, I’m starting up some group guitar lessons for adult beginners from January onwards, probably on a Tuesday or Thursday evening – more info on guitar lessons page.

Also, I’m playing a gig with the talented Miri on Tuesday 7th December at ‘Last Days of Decadence’ in Shoreditch. They are putting on a series of events called ‘Battle of the Sexes’, and with the men having already had their own music night, I will be on guitar duties for Miri helping out the girls. I’m not sure how I feel about that…

And finally, it was the YMCA London South West showcase evening the other day which went very well. I was recognised (much to my embarrasment) for having been nominated for ‘Youth Worker of the Year‘ (!), which sadly I didn’t win, but the nomination is more an endorsement for the project than anything else. We also put together a quick video of some Music Room highlights for the showcase evening… you can view it below…

Running the Royal Parks Half Marathon

On 10th October, I took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon to raise money for YMCA London South West (where I work – running Music Room).

I did it in an official time of 1 hour, 45 minutes and 20 seconds which put me in 1764th position (out of 10,818 competitors) so I was quite pleased that for a first half marathon! Onto the full marathon…

You can still sponsor me if you wish – just head to:

Amongst other activities, the YMCA London South West provides housing and support to help homeless individuals get back on their feet and make a fresh start of their lives and we run a number of fabulous youth projects – aimed to reach young people where they are at, by engaging them in activities that interest them, like music or sport, and helping them to build a brighter future.

Introducing… the Penny Sweets

Penny SweetsThis Friday evening I’m lending basslines to the Penny Sweets… a group that I saw play around six years ago in Durham in a venue not much larger than my living room.

I rather liked the gig and bought the CD, but after six years of not hearing another note, I suddenly find myself considerably back in touch with these tunes…

Check out ‘Unicorn Day’ below:

And after many weeks rehearsing in a small flat in Camden (with electronic drums, piano, violin, my bass guitar – played pretentiously with a violin bow, many many effects pedals and a good supply of condensed milk) we’re finally ready to take the show to the stage…

The gig is at The Albany in London this Friday (30th April) and we’re onstage at 9pm.

More details on facebook here.

Love Is A Wildcard

Hollie MartorellaPart of the idea behind setting up this blog was to post tracks on here as soon as they are done (instant feedback, makes me look busy etc). Last night I finished recording a track with Hollie Martorella called ‘Wildcard’…

Hollie & I met at Durham uni where we were both in the band Alba Nova. After the mysterious disappearance of a certain Mr Mankowski to the darker regions of North East England, we started to record a few acoustic tracks together, but this is the first time we have recorded something that began to resemble the previous project’s trademark sound of eerie violins, folky guitars and layered harmonies.

The track is a grower – starting out with just one voice and one guitar, it builds up over the best part of five minutes to include layers of violins and backing vocals, plus a bit of piano. However, none of it seems too intrusive – or as I put it to Hollie (who was more than slightly offended) – “None of the extra sounds coming in would wake you up… in a good way…”

Talking about Yamaha guitars with Paulo Nutini…

Miri at Yamaha HQ…well sort of…

Last month, Miri, Giles and I made the trip up to Milton Keynes to visit Yamaha HQ and record a session for a competition and to be also featured in a podcast. Whilst we weren’t particularly impressed by a rainy Milton Keynes, the Yamaha building was pretty cool. Did you know it all started when Mr Yamaha took a reed organ apart and decided he could make a better one himself? One of these early prototypes was on show in the foyer, but with a massive ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ sign unfortunately…

We were interviewed by Richard Allinson Yamaha Downloadof Radio 2 fame, and yes, he really does have a ‘radio voice’ in real life – paired with a crushing handshake – but a very nice fella. We recorded a couple of tracks, one of my favourites ‘Blue Skies’ and ‘An Invitation’ which you can hear in the (abridged) podcast below.

I’m next playing with Miri at the Watershed in Wimbledon – a home match if ever there was one – on 18th September – keep up to date and have a listen to other tracks on the myspace –