So I finally got round to getting myself a Soundcloud account (which is beautifully simple to use – very happy that I never have to use myspace again)!

Now as many have found out to their peril – nothing good ever comes from playing around with Absynth. But in this case Absynth is a clever little instrument plugin capable of producing some very cool sounds. Recording this short instrumental (which I’m calling ‘Frozen Lake’ for now) was a good chance to try this out, but I do have to admit that it’s turned out sounding a little like the intro track the The Social Network… not in a way that might end up in a legal battle… more of an ‘I wanna win an Oscar for playing just 5 notes on the piano’ kinda way…

And finally this next track ‘Increments’ is something I wrote and recorded around Christmas time, but has been lying around dormant for a while. It was also the first track to be recorded at the new studio at Music Room I guess. Thanks to Ed Priestnall for laying down some drums.